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Shimmer: A Memoir

Shimmer: A Memoir

Alexandria Hewitt

Alexandra Hewett grew up in the shadow of her mother’s struggle with schizophrenia, balanced by the warmth and security of her father's love. Artistic creation, therapy, humor, and effervescent optimism were her secret weapons and her lifelines as she navigated anxiety, grief, and loss. Shimmer is the story of her inspiring journey from girlhood to womanhood, from sorrow to joy.

Alexandra Hewett’s memoir, Shimmer, does exactly what the title implies: it shimmers with light, despite Hewett’s painful and often harrowing relationship with her schizophrenic mother. Told with pathos, humor, and unflinching honesty, Shimmer is the story of one woman’s profound resilience in the face of loss and trauma, and her persistent drive to seek the light, even in her darkest hours. This is a beautiful and hopeful book.
—MIRA BARTOK, Author of The Memory Palace

“This book highlights Hewett’s journey to find her mom beneath her mental illness, and in it she finds the sparkle in the chaos —SHIMMER is like shards of broken glass collected from her life to form a mosaic of stories that are compelling, vulnerable and moving.”
—MATTHEW COROZINE, Author "If You Survived 7th Grade, You Can Be An Actor”, Acting Coach, Artistic Director Matthew Corozine Studio

“SHIMMER is a beautiful book of courage, sensitivity, and perseverance. Hewett leads us through a journey of creativity, strength, and trauma. Her role as daughter, wife, mother, and artist are illuminated by her struggle to care for, understand, and negotiate life with a mother with schizophrenia. This book flows and truly shimmers with insight and awareness.”
—KAREN HARVEY, Ph.D. Psychologist, International Speaker, and Author of “Positive Identity Development and Trauma Informed Behavioral Interventions”

“Hewett’s story is powerful, funny, bright, and beautiful. With an unflinching voice, she captures a mother-daughter dynamic that manages to strike a balance that is both ultra-specific and universal.”
—DAVID NADELBERG, Creator of Mortified

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