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Daughters sharing

Sharing can be healing. 

Since mothers are primary caregivers in our society, what does that mean for children (many times unknowingly) born into schizophrenia? Where even the strongest grow up scarred by a high degree of family dysfunction that can be continual, frightening, traumatizing and profoundly isolating.  Where extended family members and sometimes the healthy parent turn a blind eye to the needs of the children. No one helped, and no one seemed to care about “invisible traumas” causing lifelong damage, persisting across generations.                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Sharing survival stories many times means reliving shame and painful memories, where a general public with little understanding of maternal schizophrenia accuses us of whining and naval gazing.  Only making those who’ve been affected hesitate to bring their experiences into the light, where solutions can be found.  And for those who need it, given relief and support. ​ No child of a schizophrenic parent experience should have to feel ashamed for a life they had to survive!

As children surviving through maternal schizophrenia ourselves, we see you. And are here to share what we have found to bring solace through connection, healing and acceptance.  


Join us to share your story- coming soon 

As adult children of maternal schizophrenia, our stories are complicated!  We are here to listen.   

Writing is out and connection are tools of understanding and healing.  Join our growing group of "adult children" sharing to heal. 

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